Monday, 31 Aug 2020
J Trust Bank, conducted an Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS), attended by the Board of Directors Ritsuo Fukadai, Bpk. Felix I. Hartadi, Bpk. Helmi A. Hidayat, Bpk. Bijono Waliman, Cho Won June, with Bpk. Mahdi Mahmudy acting as the Chairperson of the AGMS.
The Annual event was held in J Trust Bank’s Head Office, located at Sahid Sudirman Center, Jakarta on Thursday, August 27th 2020.
On top of Approval of the Annual Report of the Company for Financial Year 2019 including the Report on the Supervisory Duties of the Board of Commissioners for Financial Year 2019 and Approval of the Financial Statements of the Company for Financial Year 2019, J Trust Bank announced the composition of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners of the Company 2020.
During the meeting, J Trust Bank announced and inaugurated a new member of the Board of Directors; Ibu F. Rita Gosal, who will be effective upon the Fit and Proper Approval from Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan).
As a part of the commitment for COVID-19 spread prevention, the meeting was held in accordance with Covid's health protocols and procedures guidelines, such as implementation of limited physical presence.