Changes of The Corporate Secretary of J Trust Bank

31 Jan 2020

In refer to Regulation of The Financial Services Authority Number 35/POJK.04/2014 concerning Corporate Secretary of Issuers or Public Company and the Indonesia Stock Exchange Regulation No. I-E concerning on the Obligation of Information Submission, the Board of Directors of PT Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk. (J Trust Bank) hereby announces the changes of the Corporate Secretary by appointing Mrs. Ong Pey Fang to replace Mrs. Christiati E. Sianipar according to Surat Keputusan Direksi Perseroan No. 29.02/S.Kep.Dir-HCGD/JTRUST/I/2020 on January 29, 2020.

Furthermore, all correspondence addressed to the Corporate Secretary of PT Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk. should be address to:

Ong Pey Fang
Corporate Secretary
PT Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk.
Gedung Sahid Sudirman Center 33rd floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 86
Jakarta Pusat 10220
Phone no.: (021) 29261111

By: jtrust

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