Executive Vice Presidents



Appointed as Business Banking Senior Executive Vice President at PT Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk in July 2021. He has gained experience and career in national and international financial institutions namely in 2017 - 2021 as Assistant Director of Corporate Banking at PT Bank Shinhan Indonesia, in 2010-2017 at Corporate Banking PT Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk and previously in 2006 - 2010 at PT Bank Rabobank Indonesia, Global Banking and M &A. In addition, in 2001 – 2006 he pursued his career at banking investment PT Danareksa Sekuritas and in 1993 – 2000 at the Asian Development Bank in Manila, Philippines. He completed his MBA program at Manuel Luis Quezon University in Manila, Philippines.



Appointed as Senior Executive Vice President Operation and IT PT Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk in November 2023. He has career experience in several national financial institutions, namely in 2019 - September 2023 as Senior Executive IT, at Bank Jateng, in 2011 - 2016 He held several positions at PT Bank Rabobank International Indonesia with his last position as Head of IT & Operations. , Apart from that, in 2010 - 2011 he had a career as Transformation Project Manager at ANZ Bank, in 2009 - 2010 he held the position as Retail Banking Project Manager at RBS Bank and during 2005 - 2009 he had a career at ABN Amro Bank with his last position as Vice President of Business Strategic Delivery. He completed the Bachelor of Informatics program at the Bandung Institute of Technology in 1990.



Appointed as Executive Vice President Operation & Credit Administration PT Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk in October 2024. He has gained experience and a career in the financial sector, namely as Vice President at Citibank NA 1982 – 1990, Executive Vice President at Subentra Group 1990 – 1991, Commissioner 1992 – 1993 and Director 1993 – 1997 at PT Bank Subentra, Group Executive Director at PT Aneka Kimia Raya Tbk 1997 – 1998, Vice President at Citibank NA 1998 – 2004, Senior Vice President (2004 – 2009) and Executive Vice President at PT Bank Danamon Tbk 2009 – 2013, Finance Director at PT AKR Korporindo Tbk 2013 – 2015, Executive Vice President at PT Samuel International 2015 – 2017, President Commissioner at PT Bima Multi Finance 2018 – 2019 and as Director of J Trust Bank in 2019 – 2022. He completed Diplom Ingenieur program in Electrical Engineering from the University of Bochum (1976), and Master of Business Administration from Delft University (1981).



Appointed as Executive Vice President Branch Management of PT Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk in April 2023. He has extensive experience and career in the banking industry, including in 2021 – 2022 he served as President Director of PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Banten Tbk, in 2017 - 2021 he held several positions until his last position was as President Director at Bank Kalsel. In addition, in 2014 – 2017 he served as Commissioner at PT AMC and in 2006 – 2014 he held various positions in the Sharia Business Unit of PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk, as well as at several other banks in previous years. He completed the Doctoral Postgraduate program at Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin and the Masters Postgraduate program at the University of Indonesia.



Appointed as Human Capital and General Service Vice President of J Trust Bank since 2019. She also serves as Corporate Secretary of J Trust Bank since January 29, 2020. Previously, she served as Compliance Head (Executive Vice President) of PT Commonwealth Bank Indonesia in 2017-2018 and Compliance Head (EVP) of PT Danamon Indonesia, Tbk in 2009-2017. Prior joining Danamon Indonesia, she used to work as a Business Support Head (Vice President) ABN Amro NV Indonesia during 2006-2009. She obtained her Bachelor of Business in Accountancy (with distinction) from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia in 1988.



Appointed as Treasury Executive Vice President of J Trust Bank since 2019. Previously, she worked in PT Bank QNB Indonesia as Treasury Sales Head in 2014-2015 with latest position as Head of Treasury of PT Bank QNB Indonesia in 2015-2018. She once worked in the Royal Bank of Scotland as Corporate Risk Solution Director in the 2009-2013 period. She received Bachelor of Economics degree in Management from Atmajaya University in 1994.



Appointed as Business Linkage and Commercial Executive Vice President of J Trust Bank since 2019. Previously, he was the Special Asset Management Division Head and Corporate Secretary Division Head of PT Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk. since 2018. He had a career in PT Bank Nusantara Parahyangan Tbk from 1999 to 2017, with last position as Deputy Director. He obtained Bachelor of Economics from STIE Indonesia Membangun in 2007 and Bachelor of Laws from STIH Dharma Andigha Bogor in 2018. Then, he received Master of Human Resources Management from Bina Sarana Informasi University, Bandung, in 2011.



Appointed as Executive Vice President Credit Risk Reviewer of JTrust Bank from September, 2022. Has 26 years of experience in the finance and financing industry, especially in credit evaluations and managing non-performing loans. From March 2019 until August 2021he was appointed as President Director of JT Capital Co., Ltd., in South Korea and he had 7 years of career from 2014 to 2021 at JT Chinae Savings Bank, Ltd., South Korea with various placements. Beforehand, he had 8 years of career in Japan with various companies. He earned his Bachelor of Economy from Ritsumeikan University, Kusatsu, Shiga, Japan in 1996.

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