J Trust Bank Supports World Immunization Week 2022

22 Apr 2022

Jakarta, 22 April 2022. Commemorate the 2022 World Immunization Week on 16-22 April 2022, PT Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk (J Trust Bank) in partnership with the Ronald McDonald House Charity Foundation (RMHC) held free immunizations for infants and children. The World Immunization Week 2022 activity which was held at the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia was also attended by Executive Vice President of J Trust Bank, Ong Pey Fang accompanied by Corporate Secretary Division Head Ridyawan Amnar and RMHC Organizational Leader, Rini T Wardani.

Immunization is very important to provide immunity to protect children from the severity of the disease. Immunization is also an effort to eradicate or eradicate a disease from the population of an area. Quoting promkes.kemenkes.go.id, at least 70% of the population of an area or country must get immunizations.

RMHC Organizational Leader, Rini T Wardani said “After a 2-year hiatus (due to the COVID-19 pandemic), Ronald McDonald Care Mobile, the inaugural RMHC foundation, is back during society to provide immunization services to infants and children.

We are very pleased that J Trust Bank is supporting this activity as a collaborator in the 2022 World Immunization Week activities and hope that this collaboration can continue to be carried out to achieve Indonesian children who are healthy, strong, and ready to answer the challenges in their future.”

In line with what Rini said, the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly disrupted the implementation of immunization. Data from the Ministry of Health shows that complete basic immunization coverage has decreased significantly since the beginning of the pandemic, from 84.2% in 2020 to 79.6% in 2021. Various factors have influenced the decline in routine immunization coverage, including supply chain disruptions, restrictions on activities, and reduced availability of personnel. health.

At least that's what underlies J Trust Bank to support this RMHC activity. "J Trust Bank is committed to helping improve children's health and welfare. Immunization is a need for infants and children that must be met. To have a strong and smart next generation, we need to be together Let's take care of their quality of health together," said Executive Vice President of J Trust Bank, Ong Pey Fang

In addition to providing the best services in the banking sector, J Trust Bank also strives to provide added value to stakeholders. Through this immunization collaboration activity, J Trust Bank hopes to be able to support the achievement of the 3rd goal of Sustainable Development Goals, namely Good Health and Welfare.

J Trust Bank donated a number of funds to RMHC to support the implementation of immunization which was held for two days, namely Friday, April 22 at the Indonesian Ministry of Health and on Saturday, April 23 at Taman Lapangan Banteng, Central Jakarta.

By: aqi

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