J Trust Bank Signs Mortgage Cooperation Agreement for Sembawang Aparthouse Project

05 Jul 2023

Jakarta, July 5 2023. PT Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk (J Trust Bank) signed a cooperation with PT KVP Bina Propertindo to house-loan ownership through mortgage products for Sembawang Aparthouse. Present at the signing ceremony were President Director of J Trust Bank Ritsuo Fukadai along with Director of J Trust Bank Widjaja Hendra and President Director of PT KVP Bina Propertindo, Hendry Oktavianus.


Sembawang Aparthouse developed by PT KVP Bina Propertindo located in TB Simatupang - South Jakarta is a residential project with the concept of "smart-house" which is a combination of houses and apartments. Having a compact size of around 84 m² equipped with land ownership rights, Sembawang Apartouse meets the criteria of compactness, practicality and ease of access.


PT KVP Bina Propertindo focuses its property business in the construction and development of apartments, houses and commercial complexes spread across the Jabodetabek area. Until now PT KVP Bina Propertindo has eight projects that have been fully developed as well as several projects in the planning and development stage, one of which is the "Millennial Generation Residential Smart Home" concept, namely aparthouse.

J Trust Bank Business Director Widjaja Hendra explained that J Trust Bank sees that the largest market segment is currently dominated by young people or the millennial generation. Apart from being technology lovers, they also choose a practical and pragmatic lifestyle which ultimately determines the taste of housing that is attractive to millennials. Responding to this, J Trust Bank has prepared a mortgage product with a very competitive, affordable rate, and a special financing period of up to 30 years to encourage millennial interest in owning assets or homes.


This mortgage financing facility is one of J Trust Bank's optimism for the property industry in Indonesia. The provision of this financing facility is also expected to meet the demand of people who mostly choose installments through banks. This is our commitment to support the community to have a quality residence and growing investment value.


PT KVP Bina Propertindo, Hendry Oktavianus, added his optimism even though millennials are considered to still not see the importance of investing, especially in the property sector. One of the challenges faced by millennials is high consumption expenditure and expensive housing prices. By developing the mindset that a house is a primary need and improving the ability to manage finances to be more optimal, owning a house is not impossible for millennials.

By: jtrust

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